Welcome to my photo blog. I do not claim to be a professional photographer, or even close to that. I just love capturing the joys in life with my camera and hope to blog about the journey of developing a new talent.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This afternoon my sister-in-law showed me a few tricks using photoshop. I know next to nothing about photoshop but I know that this program and I could have a very good relationship if I ever figure anything out. After learning just a few small tricks, I've already spent a good hour playing around with it. Love me Photoshop! Love me the way I know I will love you. Here goes my first shot at it:

Rendering a lens flare and increasing the saturation of certain parts of the image using the lasso.

Another lens flare, fun stuff!

Using the "quick selection tool" to fade the saturation of an image except for one detail... the flower.

I plan on learning more.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hi There!

Hi. My name is Natalie and I currently reside in Idaho, you know, the state with all the potatoes. I am married to my wonderful husband and we have two little rugrats we are so proud to call our children. Thankfully my family is very supportive of my camera-happy tendencies, not to mention they are quite photogenic, and have been the prime subjects in most of my picture taking frenzies. Someday I would love to master the art of picture taking and photo editing, but for now I plan to teach myself and talk about it here. if you know what you are doing... feel free to leave comments and tips. I am very busy being mommy to my youngsters, so I expect this process to be a long one, but here is to exploring something I love!